

  • 他郷阿部家
  • 只今加藤家




  • どのように予約をしたらよいですか?











  • 当日の予約はできますか? (Can I make a reservation on the day?)

    恐れ入りますが、当日のご予約は受け付けておりません。ご利用の5日前までにご予約頂きますようお願い致します。(2020/6/4 変更)

    Sorry, we do not accept reservations for the day. Please make a reservation by 5 days before use.

  • キャンセル料はおいくらですか? ( How much is the Cancelation Fee?)

    [前日・当日のキャンセル]:キャンセル料を宿泊費の100%いただきます。 [前々日までのキャンセル]:キャンセル料は、無料です。 1日2組限定の小さな宿であるという特性上、心苦しいですが、上記とさせていただいております。ご理解いただけますと幸いです。 災害などやむを得ないご事情の場合は、考慮させていただきますので、電話でご一報いただけますと幸いです。


    If you cancel the day before or the day of your reservation, the cancelation fee will be payed in full. If you cancel two days before your reservation, you will not be charged a cancelation fee. We apologize for any inconveniences that may arise from only being able to have two party stay with us in one day. We thank you for your understanding. If your cancelation is from a unavoidable circumstance, such as a natural disaster, we will be able to make special exceptions, so please give us a call. 

  • 子どもの宿泊料金はおいくらですか? (What is the fee for children?)

    [4歳から小学6年生までの宿泊料金]:お一人様9,900円(税込)です。 [3歳までの幼児の宿泊料金]:お布団・お食事なしで無料です。(おくどさんで炊いた白米のおむすびはご用意いたします。)  また、当宿は大鉢料理ですので、親御さんと一緒のものを取り分けてお召し上がりいただけます。(無料)  ただし、お布団を準備させていただく場合のみ、お布団代3,300円(税込)を頂戴いたします。


    For children between the ages of 4yrs to 10yrs old the fee will be half for each child. If the child is under the age of 3yrs old, there will be no charge (There will be a fee if the child would like to have their own rice balls).Dinner is served in large bowls and plates, so your child can also eat the same food served for their parents without being charged. However, if the gust wishes for us to lay a futon mattress for their child, the guest will be charged 3300 yen 


  • チェックイン、チェックアウトは何時ですか? (When are the checkin and checkout times?)

    チェックインは午後3時から午後5時の間、チェックアウトは午前11時とさせていただいております。 ※他郷阿部家では、ご宿泊のお客様全員で夕食をいただくスタイルをとらせていただいてますので、時間どおりのチェックインをお願いします。(2020/6/4 変更)


    Check in is between 3pm and 5pm, while checkout is from 11am. At Takyo Abeke dinner is served family style with other guests, so we ask for you to check in during the designated times. Thank you. 

  • チェックイン前、チェックアウト後に荷物を預かっていただくことはできますか? (Can we leave our luggage at the inn before checkin or after checkout times?)

    午前9時から12時までは他郷阿部家にて荷物をお預かりできます。午前12時から午後3時まではお昼休憩中ですので、その時間帯に荷物のお預かりやお返しを希望される場合は徒歩3分ほどの群言堂本店で荷物のお預かりが可能です。阿部家または、群言堂本店にてお気軽にお声かけください。 ※本店休業日の水曜日は、阿部家スタッフが対応しますので、ご相談ください。(2020/6/4 変更)


    Our staff will be able to hold on your luggage during 9am to 12am. However, during 12:00pm to 3:00pm, our staff will not be present at the inn, but you are able to leave your luggage at Gungendo’s flagship store (Honten) which is located three minutes away by foot. When you arrive there, let the store staff know that you are staying at Abeke. *The Gungendo flagship store is closed on Tuesday and Wednesdays, so if you schedule falls on these days please let us know, the staff at Abeke will accommodate for you. 

  • クレジットカードでの支払いはできますか? (Can I use a credit card to pay?)

    他郷阿部家でのみクレジットカードでのお支払いが可能です。 (対応可能カード:VISA、JCB、マスター、中国銀聯、韓国ハウスカード)


    You are able to pay using your credit card at Takyo Abeke (VISA, JCB, MASTERCARD, UNION PAY, SHINHAN CARD) 

  • 貸し切りはできますか? (Am I able to reserve the entire inn?)

    メール:https://kurasuyado.jp/contact 2021/03/08 変更)


    Abeke where the whole inn can be reserved starting with one guest. 


  • トイレやお風呂はお部屋にありますか? (Are there private bathrooms in each room?)



    No, it doesn’t. However, there is a private toilet and bath for each room. It is just outside the room and down the corridor.

  • アメニティーはどんなものがありますか?( What amenities are provided at Abeke?)



    We provide toothbrushes (made of high quality boar hair), shampoo, conditioner, body wash, makeup remover, Gungendo’s original pajamas (kutsurogi), face lotion, and cream (Gungendo’s MeDU that uses plum flower yeast). If you have any other requests please let us know. 

  • 禁煙ルームはありますか? (Is there a non-smoking area?)

    屋内は禁煙とさせていただいておりますので、全室禁煙ルームとさせていただいております。 お煙草を吸われる方は、中庭のベンチに灰皿をご用意しています。その他の場所での喫煙はお控えください。


    All rooms are non-smoking areas. If you do smoke there is an ashtray located by the bench in the quart yard. We ask that guests only smoke in designated areas. 


  • 食事は部屋で食べられますか? (Will we be served in our rooms?)

    当宿では、敢えてお部屋食という方式はとっておりません。 台所の大きなテーブルでお客様全員と家主の松場登美が家族のように一緒に食卓を囲むスタイルとさせていただいております。※松場は夕食のみご一緒させていただきます。2020/6/4 変更)


    At Takyo Abeke, we do not serve dinner in the rooms. We serve a family style dinner, where guests surround one large table and eat together with the inn’s owner Matsuba Tomi like family. We hope that guests are able to enjoy talking with each other over dinner. 

    *Matsuba Tomi will only join for dinner 

  • 登美さんはいつも夕食に入られますか?(Will the inn's owner Tomi-san always be present at dinner?)



    If Tomi-san is on a business trip she will not be present at the dinner table, however if she is not out of town she will join you for dinner. If she is not present, her husband Matsuba Daikichi will join you for dinner. 

  • どんなお料理が食べられますか? (What type of food does Abeke provide?)



    For dinner we serve “homestyle cooking” that uses seasonal vegetables as well as wild plants that our chef has foraged in the local mountains, a local rockfish known as Nodoguro, Shimane Wagyu, Rock Oysters from Okinoshima and much more. The main dish are rice balls omusubi made from rice that was cooked in a traditional Japanese stove. As For breakfast, we serve Western dishes, mainly bread from a bakery in Omori Town. We also serve local vegetables and fruits, gentle soups, and homemade yogurt.

  • アレルギーやベジタリアンなどの対応をお願いできますか? (Will you be able to accommodate for food allergies and restrictions?)



    We will try our best to accommodate for you food allergies and restrictions. Please let us know if you have any. 

  • 子ども(3歳以下)の食事の用意をお願いできますか? (Will you be able to prepare food for children under the age of three?)

    阿部家の夕食は、大鉢での取り分けスタイルとなっています。お子様も一緒に召し上がられても充分な量をご用意いたしますので、一緒にお召し上がりください。(個別に出されるお肉やお魚の料理などは大人用のみとなっております。) お子様用におむすびもサービスでお出ししております。


    Dinner is served in large bowls and plates, so there will be more than enough food your child to eat together with their parents as well. However individual dishes of meat and seafood will only be made for the parents without requests. We also have a service where we can make extra rice for rice balls for your child. 

  • 夕食、朝食は何時からですか?食事の時間は選べますか? (When is dinner and breakfast? And can we decide on the time?)

    夕食は午後6時半ごろ。朝食は8時ごろからとさせていただいております。 朝早くにご出発される場合などはご相談ください。2020/6/4 変更)

    Dinner will be serviced around 6:30pm, and breakfast will be served around 8am the next day. If a guest needs to leave early in the morning, we can accommodate so please let us know. 


  • どの季節がおすすめですか? (What season do you recommend to stay at Abeke?)

    季節ごとのおすすめがあります。 例えば、3月初旬には梅の花が咲きますし、4月初旬は桜。4月末~5月は新緑。6月は町内の川に蛍が舞います。7~8月は近くの海で海水浴ができます。9月頃までの夏場は和室のお部屋に蚊帳をお吊りします。秋は紅葉。冬は空気が澄んでいて星が綺麗ですし、町並みに雪が降り積もる景色も見物ですよ。(雪は降っても数㎝程度のことが多いです。) また、季節ごとに室礼やおもてなしを変えてお迎えしておりますので、季節ごとにお家の佇まいも楽しんでいただけます。リピーターの方は、ぜひ、異なるシーズンにお越しいただければと思います。


    We believe each season has its own charm. For example at the beginning of March  the plum blossoms will bloom, while early April is when the cherry blossoms fill the town. During mid April and May, guests can see the fresh green from new buds of trees and plants. The fireflies start to appear around June, and into July and August is perfect weather to go for a swim at the nearby beaches. Until September we have the indigo-dyed mosquito nets hanging in the rooms, in which the experience of sleeping in them is a tradition slowly fading out. The fall the foliage of the mountains turn to vibrant colors, while the winter the night air is crisp and clear allowing guests to sea countless stars in the night sky. Here in Omori we only get a few inches of snow every time it snows, just the right amount to enjoy the snow-covered townscape. Furthermore, depending on the season we change our service so guests will be able to enjoy the change of season within the inn as well. For repeaters, we highly recommend them staying during different seasons. 

  • 登美さんに講演をしていただくことは可能ですか? (Is it possible to have Tomi-san conduct a lecture for us?)

    希望に沿えないこともございますが、早期にご相談いただければ、1時間程度の講演(有料)を行うことが可能です。詳しくはお問い合わせください。 –お問い合わせフォーム


    There are times when we will not be able to have her present, but if requested well in advance it is possible to have her present for guests (separate fee). For further detail please contact us here

  • WI-FIはありますか? (Is WIFI provided?)



    Yes. WIFI is provided for guests. Please ask a staff for the password. 

  • ペットと泊まれますか? (Can pets stay at Abeke?) 2024年3月:サービスを更新しました。





    Until August 31, 2024, only small dogs are allowed in a cage in your room. Pets are not allowed in the common areas. Please contact us for details.

    Notice of Service Changes
    Effective September 1, 2024, all pets, including dogs and cats, will not be allowed to stay with you. This is out of consideration for guests with pet allergies.

    Please note that “Fuku-chan”, the pet dog of Tomi Matsuba, the innkeeper, can be met outside after dinner or upon arrival upon request. For more information on this change or any other questions, please contact our staff at the time of booking.

  • 送迎のサービスはありますか?(Is there a pickup service at Abeke?)

    申し訳ございませんが、送迎サービスは行っておりません。自家用車や公共交通機関(電車、バス)、タクシーでお越しください。 –アクセス


    We apologize for the inconveniences but here at Abeke, we do not provide any pickup services. We ask guests to arrive using car, public transportation, or taxis. Access

  • 記念日のサービスはありますか?(Do you have special services for celebrations?)



    If informed in advance, the staff at Abeke will be happy to help guests with celebrations. Please feel free to let us know. 

  • 車椅子での利用は可能ですか? (Is Abeke built to accommodate wheel chairs?)



    We apologize for any inconveniences, but because Abeke was renovated using the original designs from when it was a samurai residence, guests who use wheel chairs will have a hard time navigating the inside corridors of Abeke. However, Katoke has wheel chair slopes, supports for the bathing rooms, and a barrier-free bathroom as well. Because living room and kitchen are wooden floors in Katoke, those who require a wheelchair will be able to move freely within the inn (we ask that guests do not use their wheelchairs on the tatami mats). If you have any questions please feel free to contact us for further details. 

  • 近くにおすすめの観光スポットはありますか?(Are there any nearby tourist locations?)

    石見銀山の龍源寺間歩や町並み、温泉津温泉や夜神楽、琴ケ浜、三瓶山や三瓶温泉、出雲大社、宍道湖、松江城などがございます。また、島根には、温泉や民藝の窯元がたくさんあります。 おすすめのスポット、温泉や窯元を知りたい方は、スタッフにお尋ねください。


    In the Iwami-Ginzan area there is the Ryugenji Temple, townscape tours, while in Shimane there is Yunotsu Onsen, night-time Kagura performances, Kotokehama, Sanbe Mountain and Sanbe Onsen, Izumo Temple, Shinjiko Lake, and Matsue Castle, and much more. Furthermore there are many Mingei  (Japanese fold art),various ceramic kilns, and hot springs. If you would like any recommendations please ask one of our staff members. 



  • どうして予約できないの?




    We have decided that Kato-ke will conduct a “demonstration experiment of a long-term stay model” for several years starting in February 2021. We are sorry to inform you that we are no longer accepting reservations. We are very sorry for those of you who have been looking forward to staying at Kato-ke, but we hope that you will understand our new challenge.







